How to lock course navigation links

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Is there a way to lock the placement of the course navigation links? We understand that they are movable and the order can be changed around. We also understand that the links can be hidden from the student view. 
But what if at the admin level, we wanted to lock the order of some of the navigation links, is this possible?


Home will remain the top link in course navigation forever. Followed by announcements and then the syllabus. We want to set these up as 1-2-3 for every course that is created. 

2 Solutions
Community Team
Community Team

Hi there, @UHD_AdminNick ...

I found this topic from back in 2015, and I believe it still holds true today: Solved: Course Navigation Locked Down at Admin Level? - Instructure Community (

Also, "Home" will always be at the top of course navigation.  It cannot be moved.

Sorry I don't have better news for you, but I hope this helps to answer your question.

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Community Contributor

There is no way to 'lock' navigation without custom scripts - other than 'home' at the top. I'd suggest templates on your sub-accounts if you want to make a suggestion. Most people (but not all)  will go with what you set up if it's sensible. I think being able to rearrange the LH navigation gives teachers a sense of ownership, and IMHO we should me the 'order' user-configerable. Or maybe a 'sticky' setting where most used rises to the top for that course. . 

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