How to quickly and efficiently exempt all past work for a student?

Community Explorer

We are struggling to find a good practice for students who move into the district during the year.  When a new student is entered into our SIS and then auto-enrolled in all of their Canvas courses, the student is assigned all of the work that was previously assigned in the course and this work auto flags as missing since it is all past due.

Our current practice is to ask each teacher to exempt all of the past assignments in order to avoid confusion for the student and prevent the student's grade from being impact by the missing work for classes with a late work policy turned on. As the year progresses, this is becoming a lengthy process for teachers who have to go in an exempt 30+ assignments for the student even when using the shortcut of typing "Ex" in gradebook. Does anyone have a better way to efficiently manage new students moving into a course and exempting them from work that was assigned when they were not a part of the class?

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