How to search an entire Canvas instance?

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Here's the question: can you search every course and page in a Canvas instance simultaneously to find a particular string? 


Here's more details: We are looking to identify and update all the external links from an academic library in our Canvas instance. The current plan is to go through each course manually looking for individual links to be changed, but we want something more efficient. 


Thank you! 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi there, @wguida ...

So there are two options for you to consider:

  • Instructure recently announced a new Smart Search tool.  You can read more about it at Driving Efficiency and Enabling Deeper Insights wi... - Instructure Community - 602277 (, and if you are interested in trying it out, you need to contact your school's assigned Customer Success Manager ... as detailed in the blog post.  If you are not a Canvas administrator, then reach out to that person at your school to have that conversation.  I recently was given access to the Smart Search group here in the Community after requesting access.  This tool searches an entire course...not an entire account.  I do not know if there are plans for Instructure to implement a way to search an entire Canvas account or not.
  • Atomic Search from Atomic Jolt offers a paid integration with Canvas that not only searches entire courses, but it also can search an entire Canvas account...which I think is what you're looking for.  Atomic Search for Canvas, Blackboard Learn, and Brightspace | Atomic Jolt

I hope this will help a bit.

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