How to sort or organize by student in the grades tab.

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Community Novice

Is there a way to view only one students grades in the grades tab, or organize it by student. I have 4 students and it would be helpful if I saw just one students grades, for all the classes on one page, or have the one page organized by name of student. 

2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

If you are a teacher, you cannot get access to grades from any courses you do not manage unless those teachers give you access. This would prevent you from seeing a student's grades from other classes.

As a parent, I'm not sure if there is an option for you to view multiple grades for a single student, or multiple students on a single page.

As for organizing the gradebook, a few things are options as a teacher. If you go to the gradebook, you can sort by student at the top where it says "Student Name." Hover and you will see a 3-dot menu. That menu has options for sorting via that column. Similar submenus exist for each column of the gradebook. If you want to see just a single student, you can use the Search bar above the table to filter the entire table down to just a single student. Or you can click on a student's name in the table to pull up a side menu. This still allows other students to show up. That menu has another option titled Grades that pulls up a single summary page for that student.

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @AundriaBetts ...

In addition to the helpful information you received from @JeffCampbell, you can also view a student's individual gradebook by going to the "Grades" page and then clicking on the "Gradebook" dropdown list (just above the "Student Names" search box on the left).  From the dropdown list, select "Individual Gradebook".  Here's a Guide that has more info for you: How do I view assignments or students individually... - Instructure Community - 1247 (

I hope this extra bit of info will be helpful!  Sing out if you have any questions.

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