I got a bug in summer school math.

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Community Novice

Trying summer school and basically what happened is I'm locked into a module and the teacher said she doesn't have any way to unlock that specific module that I'm stuck in. I'm supposed to click on the module which proves that I read the notes on her class but it won't come through

Nevermind I was going to put a vid but it doesn't fit

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1 Solution
Community Champion


It is possible that the instructor has a requirement that you mark an item as done rather than just viewing it. That means you need to go to that item and actually click a button (I think it's at the bottom of the page), rather than just opening it. See How do I mark a module item as done for a module requirement? for more details.

Canvas normally explains why something is locked for you with directions about how to fix it. Sometimes you need to read that a couple of times. Knowing what the error message is might help us diagnose the problem better.

This is a global community of Canvas users and we do not have access to your specific course. We cannot see what you're seeing or "fix" things for the instructor (it might have been what she intended). Based on what you described, the Mark as Done is what I would attempt first. If you cannot figure it out, then make sure to keep in contact with the instructor and/or reach out to your institution's support group.

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