If an assignment is unpublished does it still show up on the calendar for students to see the due date?

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Community Novice

Also, can I keep assignments unpublished but with the proper due dates.  Bottom line,  I was unable to create everything before the course started, so now I am scrambling to create and teach.  Do you have any advice to go about this issue for me in the here and now?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi  @ematte ​...

If an assignment is unpublished does it still show up on the calendar for students to see the due date?

I went into my sandbox course to test this to be sure.  I can tell you that students will not see the assignment if it is unpublished.  I created an assignment with availability dates of 10/10 through 10/15 and with a due date of 10/14.  While I could see the assignment on my dashboard as an admin/instructor, I could not see the unpublished assignment as a student on the Calendar.

Also, can I keep assignments unpublished but with the proper due dates.

Yup...you can keep assignments unpublished as long as needed.

Hope this helps, Eric!

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