Importing a quiz from shared content is not working

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Hi Canvas,

A quiz was shared with me and I accessed it through shared content and imported it. 

It imported successfully into "inported assignments". Then I deleted all of it... the quiz and the assignment group.

Now I have tried to inport from my shared content again and it says it's done, but nothing appears in assignments. I have tried deleting and having the quiz resent to me... but it still doesn't work. I have also tried changing the name... but that still doesn't work. I have successfully imported a completely new item from shared items no problem... displaying as the first successful attempt under "imported assignments" group.

Please advise how I can rectify this problem.



1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @Leeedgerton,

I have a feeling the scenario you're running into is that when you "delete" something in Canvas, you're not really removing it from the system entirely, it's more like you're hiding it.  Couple that with the fact that when you import the same item more than once, the new import just replaces the old one, and I think it explains what's happening to you (you're re-importing, but it's just overwriting the hidden version and not unhiding it).

There is a potential solution you can try, but I do want to say that this method is totally unsupported by Instructure, and can sometimes cause more harm than good if not used carefully.  Since it's totally unsupported, if something goes wrong, there will be no help or assistance available.  With that out of the way, I think what you want to do is to undelete the quiz.  When you're on the course home page, you can add "/undelete" to the url (like and you'll see a list of deleted items with a button to restore each.  You can find the quiz in the list and hit the corresponding restore/undelete button.  If you don't see the quiz in the list, your course has too many deleted items, and you'd need to restore a bunch of them to get a new list (but I would recommend against this as your course could end up a big mess).

I hope this information is useful.  Let us know if it helps!


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