Inadvertently deleted a discussion with student posts in it....redeemable?

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Hi -- 

Short version:  I made an error assigning a discussion.  Students had already posted, which I didn't realize when I deleted it.  Can I get their posts back?  

Longer version:  I have two sections of one class crosslisted. 

Each week, I assign a copy of the discussion to each section (e.g, discussion - section 1; discussion - section 2). 

Last week, I inadvertently assigned two copies of the discussion to one section.   (e.g., Section 1 could see both discussions in the module.)

Students from that section apparently responded to both discussions.  (e.g., some posted in discussion - section 1, others in discussion - section 2)

I realized my mistake.  And went to correct it, not realizing there were posts in both copies of the discussion!  I deleted the version that wasn't supposed to be there and in the process deleted at least two students' posts.  

Any chance I can get the deleted version of the discussion back?




1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach


Fortunately, yes if you delete the whole discussion (not individual posts). You can restore it by adding /undelete to the end of your course link




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