Is it possible to disable inbox functionality to ensure complete confidentiality/privacy?

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I work at a university disability resources department and I want to explore using Canvas as a primary or supplemental tool for campus communication with students. We currently use email blasts, but we suspect students check and use Canvas more than email. This idea came after attending an annual conference and seeing another college disability department use Canvas. We also feel this could be a great way to provide educational information to students about disability.

I have been going back and forth with our campus IT department. I understand that we can hide the "people" tab by either making the course open and open to auto-enrollment or hiding the People tab in navigation. Several other offices on campus do this in order to deliver non-course information to students.

HOWEVER ... campus IT alerted us that even if you do the above, you can still access other student's information through the Inbox tab. I figured out how to do this yesterday and confirmed that this is the case.

My question is — is there some way to disable inbox functionality for our course? Given that we work with confidential health information, we can't use Canvas unless it is impossible for students to know the other students in the "course"

OR ... is there some other workaround to make it impossible for students to see other student info in Canvas? 

Note that we work with over 5,000 students, so whatever solution is suggested must be very scalable.

Thank you!


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@MatthewBelsky ...

There's nothing that I am aware of that you can do on an individual basis to disable access to the Inbox.  I'd highly recommend that you reach out to your school's Canvas administrator to have this discussion.  Your Canvas admin may end up having a discussion with their assigned Customer Success Team at Instructure to see what options are available.  The "Inbox" in Canvas button itself is not course specific (because it lives on the global navigation menu) ... even though you can select courses in the Inbox that you are enrolled in.  Again, disabling this for just a select group of people may disable it for all users, but I'm not sure on that.  This is where talking with folks at your school will be the most helpful.  Good luck!

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