Is it possible to view the grade distribution for an assignment?

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Is it possible to view the grade distribution for an assignment? The instructor's manual only gives instructions on how to enable or hide this feature for students. I want to know if we can see the grade distribution as instructors and, if so, how/where.

I realise I can export the gradebook into Excel and do the calculation myself, but since Canvas says it can show the distribution to students, I figured it could just as easily show it to instructors and save me the trouble of playing with Excel. 

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3 Solutions
Community Team
Community Team

Hello @lazar_konforti ...

In the SpeedGrader, at the top right side of your screen, you can see an average for a current assignment:


I'm not sure if there are any other details like this, but I wanted to share this with you in case it will help.

Take care, stay safe, and be well.

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Hi again, @lazar_konforti ...

Ah, I see what you mean.  I was able to find this (as an example) in my "Grades" page, but it's a bit buried...


Give this a try in your own course...

  1. Click on "Grades".
  2. Click on "Gradebook" >> "Individual View..."
  3. Scroll down to the "Content Selection" area.
  4. In the "Select an assignment" drop-down list, select the name of the assignment you want to look at.
  5. The data (shown above in my example) will display further down the screen in the "Assignment Information" area.

This Guide may also be of help: How do I view assignments or students individually in the Gradebook?

I hope this extra bit of info will be of help to you!

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Community Champion

Hi again, @lazar_konforti 

For Quizzes, there is a full grade distribution and item analysis available under Quiz Statistics. Learn more at Once I publish a quiz, what kinds of quiz statistics are available?

I do not know of any other true distribution info available in Canvas, but I am still looking. I did find a great answer to someone else by my friend @kblack at Grade Distribution for a course? that seems to reiterate my thought that there are no more distribution stats available.


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