Is there a way for an assignment to not show up in the gradebook?

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One of our instructors has a lot of In class assignments that students submit via Canvas but not show up in the gradebook. He plans on consolidating them into one column in the gradebook and manually add the grades.   

I tried two options:

  1. Checked the box for not counting towards final grades - The columns will show in the gradebook with the comment that they are not counted towards the final grades. 
  2. Hide the grades from students -  The columns will show in the gradebook with the comment that grades are hidden. Hiding the grades will also affect the total calculations.

Is there a solution for this request? 

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

You mention that students submit in-class assignments via Canvas, but it fits better with the rest of your question if the students are not submitting anything to Canvas but instead the instructor wants to use Canvas to give feedback on his in-class assignments. Assuming that's true, the best option to keep the assignment unpublished until he's ready for students to see their scores. Here's what I would do:

  1. When ready to post scores for in-class assignments, publish the consolidated assignment
  2. Export the gradebook (he could filter for just the single assignment so the downloaded file is easier to work with)
  3. Type the consolidated scores into the exported file
  4. Import the file back into the Canvas gradebook

Here are links to the relevant Canvas Guides documents for these steps:

I’m going to mark my response as a solution, but there can be more than one. I hope our colleagues here in the Community can share other options.

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Yes, my steps provide a solution for that situation. Another idea is to wait to create the assignment until he's ready to input grades. That way he can dispense with the export/import process, which can be finicky. Either way, I'm sure his students appreciate getting access to their grades.

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