Lead teacher unable to assign work for periods he shares with a co teacher

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I have a teacher who is unable to assign work in Canvas  to students in periods where he shares with co teacher. He is able to assign work in periods where he does not have a co teacher. 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @JasonLyons,

I came across this unanswered question while doing a cleanup of the community.  I did want to provide a quick answer in case you or others run into this problem in the future.  It's likely something coming from the integration between your school's student information system (SIS) and Canvas. My guess is the SIS isn't handling multiple teachers quite right and restricting teacher access inappropriately in Canvas.  For this situation, you'd definitely need to contact your local Canvas administrator (usually located in the eLearning / IT / Digital Education areas) so they can investigate further and make potential modifications to the integration process.

Hope this helps a bit!


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