Canvas with giant icons, inaccessible

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As the title reads, I am having trouble with the accessibility of Canvas on my Mac. When logging it it loads with GIANT icons and normal sized hyperlinks (screen shot attached). It is unusable.

I am using a Mac with up to date software and both Chrome and Safari browsers that are up to date. I have already tried everything listed here: I cleared cookies, history, cache. Refreshed. Restarted my computer. Different browsers. Nothing has worked.

  1. Browser: Chrome, Version 104.0.5112.101
  2. OS: mac Monterey, Version 12.5.1
  3. Yes I have tried another browser (Safari)
  4. It works on the iPad app and works on my school's Windows desktop
  5. Haven't had a change to talk to others about this
1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi @NadiaHalstead  -

I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue. It's an error that's been known for a while, and there's a blog to help you troubleshoot, and it seems like you followed that. What to do when Canvas looks 'big' or 'zoomed in'! 

At this point, I encourage you to work with Canvas Support. They'll be able to take a closer look at your account and help you pinpoint the cause of the issues. How do I contact Canvas Support? 

I hope you get Canvas back what you expect quickly!

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