Letter Grading Mixed with Complete/Incomplete Grading Option

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Is it possible to have the option to give a student either a letter grade or a complete/incomplete grade?

We will be having for-credit students in a class that requires a letter grade, mixed with non-credit students that would require a complete/incomplete grade. This would ideally apply to both assignments and the final course grade. Thanks!



1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @Carter41,

The only way I know of to do this would be to create separate assignments with each grading option, and then assign the appropriate assignment to the appropriate students (or sections, if they are nicely divided out).  In my opinion as a Canvas admin, this seems like it may be better off as two distinct courses (even if the only difference is the grading).  The gradebook in a single course is going to get very large with essentially duplicated assignments.

The only other option I can think of is to just grade everyone with a letter grade and tell the complete/incomplete students what the letter grade threshold is to get a "complete" for the entire course.

Hope this helps a bit!


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