Log of File Downloads

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Community Novice

I am trying to find out all the times a student downloads a particular file.

User Detail/Access Report only return the number of downloads and the latest time stamp.

Is there a way to get a log of ALL the times the same file was downloaded?

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @tom_porter 

Thank you for contacting the Instructure Community. The short answer is no - there isn't any type of admin report, analytics, API, etc. that will give you a file or csv of all the times a file was downloaded in a course and by whom. The analytics you have seen will give you a rough idea of how many times it was viewed or downloaded but will not tell you which specific users viewed or downloaded it. Unfortunately this is not something Canvas has built or tracks - I know it isn't the answer you were looking for but hopefully it provides some clarification. 

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