Looking for the Pearson link so I can access my eText

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I am not sure of there is even a Pearson link in my university's Canvas, but if there is, where would I find it?

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @CindyRohver ...

Unfortunately, Community members wouldn't be able to answer this question.  We do not have access to the University of Oregon's Canvas environment or any of your courses.  I'd suggest reaching out to their Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education team to see if you can get some assistance with this.  I found a support page for you that has some good information:

Article - Canvas Support for Students (uoregon.edu)

Another option for you to try is to reach out to your instructor via Canvas.  You can message your instructor directly in Canvas by following the steps located in this Guide:

How do I get help with Canvas as a student?

Hopefully these links will be of help to you and you'll be able to connect with someone at the University of Oregon soon.  Good luck, and keep us posted.  Thanks!

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