Manage Comment Library and Blueprint Course

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Is there a way to manage comment library in the Blueprint course?  


I used my old course and then created a blueprint from that course.  Then 3 of us use the blueprint course for our individual cohorts.  I tried to go to Speedgrader but the blueprint has no students.  When I am in the linked class - I can see my comment library. 


Is there a way to have this comment library load for other teachers?  Are the comments in the actual course settings or are they in my settings only for me?  




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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach


The Comment Library is saved on each user account (not course), making the saved comments personal to that user only.

If you have admin permission to masquerade as another user, you can add comments for them in their Comment Library.

Furthermore, you can load the comments for them programmatically (in bulk) using GraphQL, provided you have admin access and masquerade permissions. You can make an API call to this endpoint ( with the following payload

mutation MyMutation {
  createCommentBankItem(input: {courseId: "A_VALID_COURSE_ID", comment: "comment to be loaded here"})

If you need help with a script to do this, feel free to reach out.

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