Moderated Grading needs improvements

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Although the moderated grading feature allows multiple graders to enter scores, it does not have the capability to collate those scores.  We are not able to get an average score from all the graders or a summary of the individual rubric scores for each student. We tried using Outcomes to set up the rubric, but the scores in the Learning Mastery Gradebook were again, only those of the one grader selected by the moderator, or no grades if a custom score was entered, instead of an average from all the submitted scores.  Unfortunately, this also means the student only sees the comments from one grader.  Instructors are having to go back into Speedgrader to download the submission comments from the rubric page for each student and deliver the complete comments the last mile to the student.  This is cumbersome and time-consuming.  It seems to me that it should be a simple coding solution to not only offer an average score from all the graders, but also include an average of the rubric scores if using Outcomes.  At the very least, Canvas Support should be able to connect the results from the “Download Submission Comments” button on the rubric page to the student view icon for seeing comments once grades are posted. With these improvements, you can be confident the moderated grading feature would be much more popular with a wider group of users.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

@DianaCooley ...

In reading through your posting, it almost sounds like you are suggesting some improvements and changes to the way that grading functions.  If this is the case, you'd want to submit this as a Feature Idea here in the Community site.  That way, other Community members have a chance to read it, evaluate if it is something they would also like to have in Canvas, and provide their own use-case scenarios.  There are some documents that will help get you started on this:

When you initially create your idea, you may find that something already exists...which in that case, you can just add your feedback to the existing Feature Idea rather than creating something new (to avoid duplication).

Hope this helps a bit!

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