Moving forum posts

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I found this post archived:

Can we have a feature for the instructor to manually move a student's discussion post from one board or group to another?

This would help when students either post in the wrong place, need to be moved into a new group after being added late to a class, or when they just need to be moved from one group to another. Asking the student to repost isn't always ideal, nor is it ideal for the instructor to have to copy/paste the post to preserve the content.

This is exactly my issue, too, so I'd like to bring it back into the light.   If I reconfigure discussion groups, I'd like to be able to move posts made in one thread to another thread. 

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

@swhenne If the existing feature idea is archived, you may want to put in a new feature idea. I know they are still reworking the feature idea system, but that would be the best way to proceed. This space in the community is more for folks looking for assistance from other community members.

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