Music teacher's Canvas Page(s)

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Community Novice

I teach general music (6-8) and high school chorus and want to know how to best utilize Canvas.  My district is switching to Canvas now and the instructors are in the midst of learning to set up their courses.  I am at creating home page stage now and want to know whether I should use the district template or find a home page that is more suitable for music/chorus.  Either way, I want to know if customizing is an option. 

1 Solution
Community Contributor

Hi  @ngswnrk1810  and welcome to the Canvas Community!  There are many ways that you can use Canvas for music, similar to any other course that is taught.  You just need to put the learning first and then the tech afterwards.  I would recommend that you take a few minutes and visit the Canvas Commons, a repository full of Canvas content created by other teachers for teachers.  You can access the Commons through the Global Navigation menu.  If it's not there, please contact your Canvas admin.  You can filter your search results in Commons by subject matter, grade, type of content, and more.  (Please see my screen shot below.) Hope this helps.  Please reply with any other questions you may have.  Good luck!


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