New Analytics Information for Admins

Community Explorer

I just noticed that New Analytics can be enabled in the course nav. I don't know when this happened, but I missed it so I searched for some more information. I don't find a really comprehensive guide except how instructors will use it. 

I have some questions that I am hoping someone can answer:

  • the 4 possible placements for this LTI
    • What is the tool configuration one?
    • It seems if I disable Course Nav, it removes it from the rt side menu on Home - is this accurate? I would prefer NOT to have it in the course nav and leave it on the rt side
  • I have tried to look at the configuration about the online attendance, but it appears that I have to wait 24 hours
    • How does this work vs the Roll Call Attendance LTI? 
    • Would you choose one over the other?

Thanks for any help with this! I do sometimes struggle with finding the information I need when it is outside the scope of the guides for each role- student, teacher, admin. The guides are great, but when I can't find it there, it's hard for me to find. Also, there seems to be a constant change in the interface- menus, etc. I did take time to look for these answers on my own 🙂

Thanks again!


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