No submission weighted assignments in Gradebook

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I am wanting to create a no-submission assignment column in Gradebook weighted 15% of the total grade. I have placed the no-submission assignment (worth 100 points) in an assignment group on the LMS worth 15% of the total grade. Confusingly, Gradebook has created a column for this assignment but I am not able to edit the points score in this column to give each student a score out of 100 (which will convert to a weighted percentage out of 15%). Is there a common reason/s that this may be happening? Wondering if this is a common issue with easy fix solutions or settings I may be overlooking.

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1 Solution
Community Champion

@Tye4 to add to what @SusanNiemeyer  suggested, you are going to get two columns based on what you stated you did.  One will be the assignment column that should be editable (this will be the one you put the points in) and this is the one you ultimately can edit via SpeedGrader.  The second column is the weight column and is not editable.  This is a column to show you and the students how those points affect the 15% of their grade.

Hope this helps!

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