Not possible to access the badgr page

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Community Novice

Dear community,

I am the designer as well as the teaching assistant of my MOOC. However, when I access the badge page, it reminds me of accepting the updated terms of service. After checking the "read and agree" box, I have typed the "continue" button, and it leads me to another interface with only an icon of "loading" running. I have tried to log on to my account on three different computers, and it's always the same. I think there might be some problems with my account. Could you please kindly advise me on what to do in this case? Thanks for your support.

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @ZhengwenQI 

Thank you for contacting the Canvas Community. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with accessing the Badgr page. It sounds like you have tried trouble shooting this by using multiple devices, clearing the cache, trying other browsers, different wifis, etc. If none of those are working you're likely going to need to speak with Canvas or your school IT department directly. The Badgr page may not be fully set up properly in the course or there may be an actual issue with the account itself. Either way, this would best be handled by your school school or you can contact Canvas Support.

Because of the complexity of the issue, and the concerns for privacy, it would be best if you contacted Canvas Support directly to pinpoint the source of the issue and provide a resolution:  

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