One task: Quiz questions + media recording upload option

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I am a teacher in a High School. I want to assess Year 7 students of Japanese by having them 

1.  Complete a quiz (using a variety of the quiz functions) 


2. Record themselves speaking and upload this.  (This function is in the assignments area)

 There is no function for uploading recordings while in a quiz. 

What is the most efficient way to collect both sets of tasks from students? We want it to be easy to follow.

(At present we also use Education Perfect which allows the combination of a variety of functions in one "smart lesson".  We are hoping to move more of this to Canvas - but it needs to be straightforward for students)

Thank you to anyone with suggestions.  

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1 Solution
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I teach ESL at a community college, and I have often structured exams this way:

1. I create a separate module for the exam. The first item is a page which explains the exam. "Your exam will have two parts. For Part A, you will take a quiz. For Part B, you will submit a video recording....."

2. Structure your exam to have Part A (Quiz) and Part B ( Assignment). Don't try to combine them. Your students will easily figure this out.

3. Assuming that you have Assignment Groups set up, put Part A (Quiz) and Part B (Assignment) into one Assignment Group.

4. Pay attention to the number of points given for each item. Do you want them counted equally or is one part more important than the other?

Your students will easily understand that your exam has two parts. This is a much simpler approach than trying to combine them. 

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