Outcomes CSV import template

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I want to bulk import outcomes into my course (instructor level access) using a CSV. I didn't really understand the import format documentation  so I am looking to use a downloaded Outcomes Export Report as per this post. My admins tell me they cannot run this report. Does anyone here have a downloaded Outcomes Export Report or other CSV file I could use as a template to import outcomes that you would be willing to share?


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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @JoshuaStomel ...

I find that a bit strange that your Canvas admins tell you they cannot run an Outcome export report for you.  This should be possible.  A Canvas admin would go to the account "Settings" page, click on the "Reports" tab, and then run the "Outcome Export" report.  But, after I checked with @chriscas, that is only going to give you a report of outcomes added at the account level, not at the course level.  So, here's a trick you or your Canvas admin might try...kind of working backwards.

  1. Sign in to your school's "test" environment.  What is the Canvas test environment?  and How do I access the Canvas test environment as an instructor?
  2. At the account (not the course) level ... which would only be available for Canvas admins, go to the "Outcomes" screen and start adding some outcomes.  You could even create groups or folders to house your outcomes in...sort of like a tree structure so that you have different levels/sub-levels.
  3. Then, go to the "Settings" >> "Reports" tab as a Canvas admin, and run the "Outcome Export" report.  This will give you an example of what your file should look like (and a better idea of those columns that are needed as you look at the documentation link you provided).

Make sure to sign out of "test" when you are done.

Do you think this might work for your needs?  Keep us posted...thanks!

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