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Are there any plans to expand Outcomes from the course to the Account level?

by placing Outcomes in the students' Account file under Efolio

I would like to have Students' able to report their competency attainment and progression across the education program.

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @arlin_burton 

Thank you for contacting the Instructure Community. It doesn't look like there are currently any plans to integrate outcomes to students' ePortfolios - no. You can have outcomes at the course level or setup by admins at the account level but these outcomes are tied to assignments for grading purposes and moving through courses etc. The ePortfolio can be linked to students' assignment submissions but the outcomes that may have been set by teachers or admins have no effect or placement within the ePortfolio side of things. It is essentially just a portfolio of their work they've done. 

You may consider checking out our Ideas and Themes forum for similar ideas or to post this as your own: 

Canvas Ideas and Themes - Instructure Community  

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