PDF character issue in Speedgrader when downloading Submission Comments

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We've come across a bug where g, %, and < characters do not render properly when you create a PDF from the “Download Submission Comments” option in Speedgrader for Mac users.

When you download the PDF and open in Adobe Acrobat Pro, the following error occurs: “Cannot extract the embedded font. Some characters may not display or print correctly”.  The PDF is, thus, unreadable. 

We found this error is caused by Speedgrader generating PDFs with a font (Lato) that isn't universally available on every system. Can we change the default font to something that is universally available, such as Arial? 

Instructors send these PDFs with comments to the students and other faculty members. This is a critical part of the assignment workflow and we have numerous Mac users on campus. 

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @cwar1,

This was discussed on a slack channel a few months ago.  After a lot of discussion, some from The Ohio State did some investigation and found the bug is apparently in an underlying library Canvas uses to generate PDFs.  There is a GitHub issue discussion happening, but even a few months later it seems there has been no real fix from the creators of that library.  Without getting any more technical, it's basically a situation where Instructure has to wait for someone else to fix code before they can then implement the fix into Canvas.  I'd certainly like this to happen quickly, but since the issue was reported months ago and has not been fixed yet, I'm losing some optimism.

Hopefully this info helps.  Even though this isn't necessarily a fix, I'm going to mark it as the as the answer/solution, as it's the current reality of the situation.


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