Points not showing in "Grades"

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I have saved points for 1.4 and 4.4 of the EDU 5822 Trine Course yet are not showing in "Grades".  I have updated my browser.


Please advise. 


Dawna Clawson 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

@DawnaClawson ...

I'm not sure that we'll be able to help answer your question here in the Canvas Community.  We can help answer questions about the Canvas LMS (Learning Management System), but not specifically about course content or specific courses.  I went to the Trine University/TrineOnline website, and this page indicates that they use Moodle as their LMS (different than Canvas): Online Experience (trine.edu).  Now, it's entirely possible that Trine is also using Canvas in some way, but I'm not sure what that would be.  Your best bet in this case would be to reach out to your instructor or contact someone from their Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education team who could better assist you with this question.  Hopefully you'll be able to get in touch with someone soon who can help.  Good luck!

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