Prerequisites and Assign to

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In my course, I use prerequisites to help keep students completing the work in the correct order. The orientation process in-particular. 

I have them do the following: Welcome module (view) -> Syllabus Module (view) -> Orientations...

The trouble is, this course has multiple course levels within it and each of them has their own syllabus. In the past, I used to put them all in the same module with directions to view their specific syllabus with a "complete at least 1" condition on the module. That would then unlock the Orientation module. 

However, with the new "Assign to" for the modules, I wanted to try something a little different. I want to create a module for each class, assign it to that section and then have it be the prerequisite for the orientation. I've attached a screen shot of what it would look like. The trouble is, the orientation now has five prerequisites, but only one will ever be completed for each student. Is Canvas smart enough to know that if a student is only assigned one of the prerequisite modules and completes it that they don't have to do the others? 

Follow up question: If a module is assigned to a section of students, does that automatically assign the pages, assignments, etc. in the module to that section of students or do both assignments have to be made? 

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1 Solution
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Okay I toyed with prerequisites.

Say I want section I, to complete Module A before progressing to Module C, and section II to complete Module B before progressing to C

The issue is that if C is assigned to everyone there's no way to specify prerequisites for C by section so I tried specifying both A and B as prereqs.

As a student in section I, I see Module C having both A and B as prereqs, even though I cannot see B. But having A alone completed seems to let this student progress to C

I emphasize that the student in section did not complete B, but is allowed to progress to C on the basis of having done A.



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