Preview and share before "Not available until" date

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I need to share pages and assignments with fellow educators to discuss design, layout, etc. When I publish a course, because of the "Not available until" date, which is in September, nothing shows in assignments.

Because of the "Not available until" date of assignments, I can't take screenshots or Zoom share "as if a student was viewing".

Is there an easy way to override the date temporarily? Otherwise, I presume I would have to change the availability date to, say, today, for over 100 assignments of 8 courses, and then change them all back. That would be very tedious.

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1 Solution
Community Member

Printing a course, module, page or assignment to a PDF is a workable solution. It does not look quite like the student view, but at least interactivity within a page or assignment, as well as all external links, are both preserved, and anyone can view and mark up the design suggestion in detail in Adobe Acrobat.

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