Pulling Information from Blueprint courses rather than pushing content out

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Is it possible to set up permissions so that teachers can access a Blueprint course and pull information as desired, instead of having content pushed out to all connected courses?

We are in the infancy of rolling out and a common structure for content has not been agreed yet.  There is a lot of rework going on removing unwanted content being pushed into courses while people are playing and learning the system.  This is particularly problematic given the lack of folder structure in the pages section as it gets cluttered very quickly.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @SusanSIEMON ...

Are you a Canvas administrator?  If so, would it be possible for you to enroll all the instructors in the Blueprint course so that they could copy/import only the things that they wanted into their own course(s)?  They would do this instead of having the Blueprint course sync to several courses all at once.  When I was a Canvas administrator in higher education, we had set up a custom role in our Canvas account called "Viewer".  It was a role based on the "Teacher" role type, but we turned off some of the permissions for the "Viewer" so that they could not edit content in our "master" courses...but yet they could still copy/import content into their own course(s).  I wrote a short blog post about it in February 2017, and you can find it here:

Our Custom "Viewer" Role for "Master" Courses

You could then use the Course Import Tool to select specific content you wanted to copy/import from the Blueprint course to your own course(s).

How do I select specific content as part of a course import?

In a similar way, if you were looking to just copy one or two items to your own course, there are other ways you can do that.  For example, if you only wanted to copy/import an assignment from the Blueprint course to your own course, you could use the information in this Guide:

How do I copy an assignment to another course?

Hopefully this information will help a bit and give you some options.  Sing out if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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