Quirky issue with "Print Blank Quiz" on a New Quiz - solved!

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I attempted to "Print Blank Quiz" on a New Quiz, but after selecting that and choosing the font size, the next screen just kept spinning and never showed anything.  Curiously, if I instead selected "Print Key (With Answers)", there were no issues.

The issue turned out to be the IP restrictions (i.e., "Filter IP addresses") I had placed on the quiz.  When attempting to print the blank quiz, I was not in that IP range.  Once I eliminated the IP restrictions, I was able to print the blank quiz.  Note that "Print Key (With Answers)" was not affected by the IP restrictions.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @montabon,

Glad that you were able to solve this and thanks for coming back to your post/question to provide an answer. In the future, so that a solution can be properly awarded, please reply to your post/question instead of editing it.


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