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The quiz is listed twice in the gradebook. In the first column, as far as I know Canvas is assigning points for the questions as they are assigned on the quiz. The teacher tries to update the score in the right column because some are written questio...

  • 3 Replies

How do you make posts on canvas student?

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Canvas Question Forum
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I was tryin to create a canvas quiz ow i do t\that

  • 1 Replies

I would like to import Exam View tests into New Quizzes / Quiz Banks.  I can find how to do it into classic quizzes, but my district has classic quizzes turned off.   Can anyone help?   I have imported a few times. I can see the files in my Files, bu...

  • 2 Replies

Wondering if this is just in our instance of Canvas. When creating a rubric and you have a range of marks to allocate, you put the highest mark in first and then to lowest mark. EG. if you want the range of 5 to 10 marks, the system puts it like 10 t...

  • 2 Replies

None of the current visual diagrams on how to create a fill-in-the blank question are relevant to the current layout and I keep getting the error message "You must have a blank". I have tried various ways to indicate where the blanks are and to no av...

  • 1 Replies

I am excited to see support for the Discussions/Announcements Redesign came to the iOS versions of Canvas Student and Canvas Teacher yesterday. That said, I want to suggest a couple of changes to its mobile implementation. The iOS system setting for ...

  • 7 Replies

good morning, I am having issues with my login into my canvas account, after putting my credentials and password it takes me into a muti-factor authentication page. I do not know where to get that code or how to access my OCPS account. thank you 

  • 1 Replies

I am using the Zoom Meetings option on Canvas to manage my office hours. There are two distinct problems I am running into:1) Some students sign up for a time and are sent an email with the wrong time zone. We are in Central Time and they receive an ...

  • 3 Replies

Can somebody teach me how to retrieve student's password. Thanks in advance.

  • 1 Replies

Hi everyone,I'm interested in joining the Canvas (crowdsourced) translation project at Transifex [1].My main objective is to add a new language to the translation, Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language).Several months ago, I requested the Language, w...

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Canvas Question Forum
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i got and received a message saying i needed to finish my registration and that it sent a message to my email but i had gotten nothing? and i saw another post of someone else's and it said to check spam or junk mail still nothing can someone please h...

  • 1 Replies

I teach math. I want my students to take assessments in order, and I want them to achieve a minimum score on what I call "Skills Tests" (online, self-grading computational assessments). They then also take a "Challenge Set" of questions that are more...

  • 3 Replies

I prefer students not use Paper View as it is not as efficient to add a comment to, unlike other File Uploads.  How can I prevent the use of Paper View?  Thanks, (Instructor)  

  • 2 Replies

Everyone answers questions more thoroughly if the whole question is kept right by where answers are added, plus it is easier to grade because you can quickly comment/refer back to the question if needed.  Currently students copy/paste the assignment ...

  • 3 Replies

For the one college I teach at the assignment comment section is there in speed grader on the right side lower half like usual. However for some reason at the other college I teach at the assignment comment section is there but it has no space to put...

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Canvas Question Forum
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why don't i have all my classes on my canvas page

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way that students can post announcements or email their peers as an ensemble in Canvas?

  • 1 Replies

I leave comments on student grades when they come in to make corrections or retake an assessment. It would be nice to have some sort of icon on the grade box that lets me know if I've commented. On another LMS I've used in the past, there would be a ...

  • 1 Replies

I am unsure if this is more of a GitHub or a Canvas question, but here goes.  I recently sent an admin request to integrate GitHub into Canvas, but I was denied due to the following reason:"Checked with our Information Security Officer and it has bee...

  • 3 Replies

Hi all,   I need to add accommodations for a student who just received approval. I'm trying to use the moderate feature to add time for when they take it, but that option appears to be missing.   None of the other similar posts have answered this que...

  • 2 Replies

I keep getting constant canvas notifications to my personal email from my old highschool canvas account. I am unable to go and change my notification settings or remove that email as that canvas account is now locked and I no longer have access.  I h...

  • 1 Replies

I have emailed twice and gotten nowhere.  I have no help button.  My IT cannot answer my questions.  How do I contact someone in person at Canvas?? I am an instructor.  I am having issues with my Canvas quizzes and exams.  Correct questions are marke...

  • 2 Replies

Hello!I am an observer for my son in an online academy.  I use my personal email for that.I am a teacher in a different section of that academy. I use a school email for that.I am a student who uses Canvas. I use my personal email for that.The proble...

  • 1 Replies

So, I had a teacher in my building who was new to using new quizzes. She had graded the quiz and the score was not updating in the speedgrader or the gradebook. However, at the top of the quiz, the score was updated. Thoughts? Solutions? 

  • 3 Replies

Hi there, I know that we can turn on Module progress tracking that tracks Complete, In Progress, Locked, and Unlocked (reference here:

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Where do I get the link for files, and how do I get that link to students?My goal is to allow only students who have submitted homework to see the solutions file.

  • 3 Replies

We use a couple of courses to deliver training material to those that can not attend in person trainings. We are required to keep records of these trainings for a number of years. Under the “People” menu, I can only see the Last Activity of that indi...

  • 1 Replies

So a user when going into Canvas and clicking the test I'm redirected to lockdown browser as it normally does. This time however it shows an error that Respondus is Unable to open the exam. In order to open new quizzes you must use a standard browser...

  • 9 Replies

Is there any way to get a COMPLETE student download history from Canvas, not just last view or download, e.g., I am giving a timed exam that starts with the first download of a file - I need to know first download, not last.

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Canvas Question Forum
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