Quiz/Module Prerequisite Question

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Hello, I am requiring students to complete a particular quiz (quiz 1) before completing a second quiz (quiz 2). It seems the best way to do this would be to put quiz 1 in a module with the requirement of submitting the quiz, then put quiz 2 in a separate module with the prerequisite of completing the quiz 1 module.

But will this work if students have already completed quiz 1, before I had it in its own module with a requirement? If I make a new module that contains quiz 1 and set the requirement of submitting it, then make the quiz 2 module with the quiz 1 prerequisite, will Canvas remember that some students have already submitted quiz 1, prior to me putting it in its own module with a requirement? Or would students have to take quiz 1 again, now that it's in a new module with a requirement?

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2 Solutions
Community Champion


Students do not have to re-complete any assignments they have already completed as long as the requirement you put in place is met. If the requirement is just that they submit the assignment, then those who have already taken quiz 1 will not have to take it again and can attempt quiz 2. If you put in a requirement that they must score at least 5 out of 10 points and a student scored 4 points, then they would have to retake the assignment before moving on. Be sure to relock the modules after changing the requirements (Canvas will prompt you).

There is another option available besides a module for each quiz. You could put all of the quizzes into a single module in the proper order. Then go into the module settings and tell Canvas that all module items must be completed and they must be completed in sequential order. Which option works best for you depends on how use modules.

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@AnneNoble-Custe ...

There's no need to delete existing questions just to make an edit to the correct answer.  I've created a short video for you on how to change a True/False question's correct answer.  Hopefully this will help to clarify things for you.

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