Community Member

Hello, I would like assistance on what to do when it comes to the graded quizzes. I was not able to complete a quiz that was being graded, and unfortunately, I can't return the quiz to complete it as it's still waiting to be graded. Kindly assist and advise on what i can do to return to the quiz to finish it. 

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @PeterOchola ...

This question would be best answered by your instructor.  Canvas Community members do not have access to your school's Canvas environment or your course(s), so we wouldn't be able to assist with specific questions about your quiz.  And, we don't know what your instructor has set up for grading.  Therefore, it would be ideal for you to contact your instructor directly.  You can do this within Canvas by following the information in this Guide:

How do I get help with Canvas as a student?

Hopefully you'll be able to contact your instructor soon to get things ironed out.  Good luck!

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