Regarding SIS user imports with password notifications

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We're currently devising a new way to manage our students using SIS ids. I'm attempting to perform a SIS import with a set of users who need to receive a password creation e-mail from the system.

As far as I can read here, this is possible - see under "canvas_password_notification" where it says that if "When true, user is notified for password setup if the authentication_provider_id is Canvas".

So, I made a CSV file with a column that has authentication_provider_id as canvas and canvas_password_notification as true. The import goes through without errors/warnings but I'm not receiving a mail about password registration on the dummy e-mail accounts I'm using for the test users I've created.

Am I misunderstand something or should it work as I imagine? And if so, am I typing something wrong? I'm not sure if I should write (in the CSV file under canvas_password_notification) "TRUE", TRUE, "true", true, "True" or True to enable the password notification message.

I'm using our test-system if that makes any difference.

Also, the users don't appear to be created in Canvas yet but I'm assuming this is because they have to create the account and pick a password first. If I create them without the canvas_password_notification column, they are created immediately after the SIS import completes.

Thanks in advance!


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1 Solution
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Never mind, this is solved - turns out I was doing everything right, it's just that the test system doesn't send notifications about account creations out. I got the e-mail immediately and the user was created when I tried in our live system.

As for the true/false bool in canvas_password_notification I wrote just True without quotation marks. It works.

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