Hi @j_hornick ...
I just tried sharing an entire module from my sandbox course to Canvas Commons. I then went to the "Shared" tab at the top of Commons, and I am able to remove it via the trashcan icon at the top right corner of the item.

This might be a longshot, but one thought I had was if your e-mail address has changed at all since you first uploaded the module(s) to Canvas Commons? If you take a look at the first bullet point in the light blue box of this Guide, How do I use Commons?, it says you need to have an e-mail address associated with your Canvas account. I wouldn't think this would be the issue, but if your e-mail address in Canvas was different than the e-mail address that was first used to authenticate into Commons, maybe that might be playing a part??? Again, I have no evidence or back-end knowledge to back this up, so it's pure speculation on my part.
Also, since I have admin rights in Canvas, I was looking to see if there were any other settings within Canvas that would prevent me from deleting something I've previously shared. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find anything.
You might consider reaching out to Canvas Tech Support to see if they could help resolve this for you...or at least help you figure out the reason why you can't see the resource(s) you've previously shared.
Good luck to you! Keep us posted here in the Community!