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Good morning, my name is Alicia Byers, I want to begin by saying I'm sorry I've missed class and some assignments. I been very sick and have been down for a couple weeks now. I wanted to just reach out to let you know. Can I ask what is the best way ...

  • 1 Replies

I currently have teachers voicing that they have some students that are not able to see a certain assignment within a Module. I do not have a specific example as the assignment does eventually appear for the student. The assignments are published, th...

  • 2 Replies

I am trying to access a class from fall of 23 to get the title from the artifact assignment to upload to tevera, is there any way to do that? It was an alcoholism and substance abuse ethics class in fall of 23 thru thomas university, 

  • 1 Replies

Hello there, I have a few quizzes that, have incomplete grading notes that our contract markers rely on for marking. Is there any way grading notes can be added to an already published quiz with students still completing the course? I see that there ...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I don't know to get a pairing code, so where do you get a pairing code? 

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My new quizzes start with an agreement that students will not open tabs, use AI, etc. It's a multiple-choice question with an agree or disagree. If they mark disagree then 15 points is subtracted. If they mark agree then there's one point added to th...

  • 1 Replies

Students have taken a quiz (Classic type). I decided to accept an additional answer to the last question. I added the answer and expected Canvas to give me the option to automatically regrade the quiz, but it did not. From what I could find online, t...

  • 2 Replies

Hello, My school has the FeedbackFruits tool suite (FF). However, I was surprised to see an FF link in the module options menu (three dots) when clicking on it, allowing the creation of an FF assignment. Usually, I believe the three-dot menu only ref...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

how to add the Recent announcement to the home page and how to remove it from the home page 

  • 1 Replies

how do i find the domain of my canvas to connect to dropbox?

  • 1 Replies

Hello, Everyone! I am relatively new to being a Canvas administrator, and I have an instructor who would like to add rubrics to their quizzes/exams. They want to add a rubric to a 10-question/20-point multiple-choice quiz. Would there be any benefit ...

  • 3 Replies

I'm enrolled in the Caring Science, Mindful Practice "Canvas Free For Teacher" course. I have access to course, but missing key elements. For example, going through the modules I'm missing the completion circles to the far right and don't see a place...

  • 1 Replies

How can I find a student that have been deleted?

  • 2 Replies

Is there a way for students to translate the quiz questions on the new Canvas Quiz?  I tried using the extension, but it only translates the directions, not the questions themselves.  

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Does anyone have any recommendations on how to format the works cited or reference lists in the textbox within Canvas for an assignment? I have lost points on almost every assignment because the professors find something wrong with the view they see....

  • 1 Replies

Is it possible, to set discussion boards so that students have to post their comment, before that can see what other students posted. As currently set up, it appears students can see everyone's response before they respond. This causes an obvious pro...

  • 1 Replies

My Canvas Outcomes have been working amazing on linking them to test questions. All of a sudden random test questions will not allow me to select an outcome to align with. There are no broken outcomes links. Has this happened to anyone else? 

  • 2 Replies

Does anyone have a workaround for the Gradebook feature "Set Default Grade"? It doesn't seem to work anymore.  Except when it does. Let me explain. Sometime this semester, since January '25, "Set default grade" stopped working. Invoking the feature, ...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 5 Replies

I have an individual assignment and individual quizzes that are only showing student groups in the SpeedGrader.  I cannot remove that filter and any individual assignment defaults to group grading.  This means that I cannot grade 130 individual assig...

  • 1 Replies

Hi,I'm having trouble saving the information on the course program page. When I save, the previous layout turns completely white. When I click on "edit" again, I can see everything I wrote, but once I save, the information disappears, and my students...

  • 1 Replies

We have had embedded student mentors in our science engineering and math courses. We need to find out what courses these mentors were in but there is no role assigned to them. Is there a way to find these courses and mentors with in the canvas system...

  • 4 Replies

Last semester when grading discussion posts in Speedgrader you only saw the students post and who they replied you have to click through all replies to record how much they contributed. Why did canvas change this? It is very cumbersome for t...

  • 2 Replies

This issue with Microsoft OneDrive LTI integration has come up again today in Edge browser As with before, I have checked our cookies settings and they have not changed. They are still the same as before and set to allow the LTI to work. Anyone else...

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

Hi there, my institution has guides on how to create Group assessments and they have this warning: "Ensure that you do not change the membership of groups *after* you have created the assignment. This will cause the assignment to revert to an *indivi...

  • 1 Replies

We are trying to access the quiz logs for our students. I noticed that when we review a quiz in speedgrader the quiz does not have a Quiz Logs button available to us to check those logs. Reading some of your documentation, I understand that this need...

  • 2 Replies

I keep getting the message "There is already a grade sync job running, please wait for that job to complete before you schedule another grade sync job." How can I end it so that I can try the sync again? I can't seem to find any way around the messag...

  • 1 Replies

In finance subjects (eclass) there is a type of question called Stack question, which allows partial grades to be awarded when a procedure is correct, but not the result if there are several answers. For example: A+B=C is the correct answer in answer...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Hello! I have been trying to delete my account with no success. I would appreciate if someone could help me delete it. Thank you in advance!

  • 3 Replies

The feature in Speedgrader allowing for instructor to record video comments seems to have recently updated. I can see that some additional feature, such as recording the screen are now available, but the process now takes a lot longer and seems to be...

  • 1 Replies