Request all grades to be percentages?

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There seem to have been a number of discussions about posting grades as points and percentages.  An individual assignment can be changed from one to another, but is there a way to request all grades be percentages?

1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @judy_harmon  - I am not aware of one. There are a few work-arounds that you have likely already thought of, such as duplicating existing assignments, which will retain all settings, but there is not one universal, course-wide setting. One thing that may work is the ability to use the New Gradebook's ability to Enter grade as... which allows an instructor to input the grade a certain way, though from the student's view that will just be converted back to whatever the assignment was originally set for.  Still, it's useful as a grading tool.

I could have sworn there was a Feature Idea similar to what you are looking for, but I could have sworn a lot of things at my age and all I'd be accused of is vulgarity. One that may be of interest to you that is somewhat in the ballpark is though that is more for entire assignment groups.  Still may be worth a vote up.  

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