Review student grades

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Is it possible to toggle to the next assignment for one student without having to open and wait for the gradebook to load again? 

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @KerryAdkins 

Thank you for contacting the Canvas Community. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with navigating student grades. There are two ways to enter grades for students - either manually within the gradebook where you enter scores for the  students in their corresponding boxes - this can be done per student or per assignment etc. since all students and assignments are visible here at once. Or you need to use the speedgrader. Within the speedgrader, you can use the top right drop  down  to choose a student or the back and forth arrows to move to the next student and enter a grade. You cannot move from assignment to assignment within the speedgrader and each assignment would need to be loaded separately. Hopefully this helps! 

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