Rubric Scores/Outcomes Showing in Learning Mastery Gradebook when assignment is Not For Grading

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So I use EBG and I don't put any assignments in the gradebook. I only want my assessment scores to show and count in the gradebook. With the Traditional Gradebook, I check 'don't count toward final grade' and that works fine. 

I do want to attach outcomes and rubrics to my assignments so students know where they're at with their performance - BUT I don't want those rubric/outcome scores to show/count in Learning Mastery Gradebook. I had assumed that checking 'Don't count toward final grade." would prevent those assignment rubric/outcome scores from showing in Learning Mastery Gradebook. However, they are all showing and appear to be calculated into the Decaying Average score.

Am I doing something wrong or is there no way to give rubric/outcome scores without having them count/show in Learning Mastery Gradebook?

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1 Solution

Hi @nerfphysics2! When creating the assignment rubric with attached outcomes, there is an option you may select to achieve this called "Don't post Outcomes results to Learning Mastery Gradebook". 

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