Seeing Published Courses (that are not created by me) on the Dashboard

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I am an Admin (non-faculty) who needs to be able to see/search all published courses (syllabi) in various semesters. When I log onto the dashboard and click on courses it says that I am not enrolled in any courses. Is there a different place I should be accessing this information from? Do I need a different level of access in order to do this? If so, what should I tell my system admin in order to receive this type of access? 

1 Solution
Community Contributor

Hi @GinaZetts 


Instead of clicking on courses on your dashboard, look for a sheild with a key in it should be below your profile icon, top left. See the image below. When that pops out you should see the name of your institute.

Click on that and it should take you to a list of all the courses.

Hope this helps



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