Self-assessment in Enhanced Rubrics

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Can anyone tell me wher to turn on the student  self-assessment capability for Enhance Rubrics? It would be nice have videos of such very visual changes.

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Community Coach

Hi @vancej,

As recently announced on the  Enhanced Rubrics: Progress and Looking Ahead - Instructure Community - 628143  blog post, student self-assessment appears to be scheduled for beta-environment release in January.  The beta environment is a special Canvas instance which has new features for testing, but will get basically erased every month with a copy of things from your regular Canvas, so it's not suited for students at all (and usually not even teachers).  Things are usually in beta for at least a month before getting to regular/production Canvas, so I think the soonest you'd see this is February, but it could also be much later than that depending on the testing that happens in beta.

I hope this helps a bit!


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