Sending Multiple pages to a person

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I have searched the Canvas guides, and I can't seem to find an answer. Is there a way to share multiple pages from my course at one time to another person?

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2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @CandaceEdwards ...

Would it work for you to put those pages in a module in your course (the module doesn't have to be published), and then use the "Send to..." option to send the entire module (with the pages you added to it) to another instructor?

Please keep us posted here in the Community if this might work for your needs.  Thanks!

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@CandaceEdwards -

With the method @Chris_Hofer mentioned, you can add all the pages at one time (not sure if you are aware of it).  Create the empty module and then click on the add button.  Got the pages listing and then left click and drag for consecutive files - or click on one file, scroll down to the last consecutive file and hold the shift key and left click the last file name, or hold the control key down and click whatever files you want.

So it is not too bad to add several files at once to a module which can then be shared.


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