SpeedGrader, one student, view all submitted assignments

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Is there a way to view 1 student's submissions in SpeedGrader without having to click in and then out of SpeedGrader?

For example, a student who was on vacation got back to school and submitted 5 assignments that now have to be graded. As a teacher, you have to open each individual assignment and then grade it. It would seem easier if you could somehow go from assignment to assignment while in the SpeedGrader app.

Just a thought. Thanks for any help.

1 Solution
Community Member

Hi @KeriGray,

No, I don't think that's possible. What I recommend is to go to Gradebook and change to "Individual Gradebook" mode. Select the student, and under "Select an assignment" you can quickly go through assignments and under "Submission details" you can edit it in speedgrader. 

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