Student connecting to a Conference call from home

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Difficulty making a conference call to one of my students

I am having trouble making a conference call to one of my students. On their device at home, when they go to join the conference, this notification comes up. I'm not sure how to assist them?

1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @kathryn_thomas  Welcome to the Canvas Community.

Nice to see someone from Tassie here.

I assume this is the family device of one of your students? If so they will need to follow the instruction and use Safari. Or ask them to use Chrome, I prefer that anyway. 

As you are in a DoE Tas school you can access this playlist about conferences.   I hope they help. We are having a Canvas Conversations session tomorrow at 3:30pm. The link to that is here - link. 

Sing out if you need a hand. 

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