Students unable to submit during the late period

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I have two classes running right now that do not allow students to submit during the "late" period. For example, one deadline was 12 Sep at 23:59, with an ability to submit with a penalty until 15 Sep at 23:59. However, since 12 Sep at 23:59 students have been unable to submit. I have multiple screenshots from students verifying this, and I just had a student show me her screen. Instead, when they click "submit" a screen appears that says "Cannot Upload Submission." 

The submission requires pdf only, and students are trying to submit pdf files.

I have been through all the related threads and watched videos on this to confirm my settings are correct.

In one class I have a setting that has an opening "Available from" date and time, and in this one I do not, to see if that would make a difference and it does not.

Anyone have an answer?

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