Submitted DOCX Files No Longer Show Word Comments in Speedgrader

Community Member

Hello. For years, I've done an assignment that asks students to annotate a document in Microsoft Word using Word comments (e.g., Insert -> Comment within Word). The comments appear in balloon to the right of the text in Word.  Until recently, those comments appeared on the right side, as usual, in  Speedgrader. 

Now, the comments are hidden in Speedgrader. They just aren't there.

If I download the submitted .DOCX file from Speedgrader and open it in Word, the comments appear as usual. But they will not appear in Speedgrader.

One workaround is to save the .DOCX files as PDFs but that is an extra step for students to remember.

Is this a "feature" in Speedgrader or a bug? More importantly, can it be turned off so that comments appear in Word .DOCX files as usual?

Thank you.

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