Synconysing the Calender with my own googlecalender - is that posible

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Community Novice



I am a new user and in order to plan my time it would be nice if the calender in canvas was in line with mine.

So I see the samt in both places.


Palle korsholm

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @PalleKorsholm ...

If you are asking about changing the way the Canvas Calendar currently works, then you'd want to submit an idea to the Canvas Community so that people would have a chance to review it and maybe even vote on it.  You might also find that a similar idea has already been created.  To create an idea, you'll want to check out this area of the Community website:

Canvas Ideas - Instructure Community

Also, please take note of the Guides listed on this page on the right side of the screen under "How do Ideas work?".

I hope this will be of some help to you.

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