Teachers not seeing associations in Blueprint

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I have had a few teachers who are not seeing their course associations with the Blueprint. They are enrolled in the Blueprint course and in the associated courses with the Teacher role. I can see as admin that the Blueprint courses have associations but when looking as the Teacher the associations do not appear. Any idea why this might be?

1 Solution

Hello @MarWilkinson 

It sounds like it might be a permission related thing. I just had a few follow up questions to get a better understanding of the issue you are describing. 

  • In the master Blueprint course, are they enrolled as an instructor? 
  • Are they trying to view the association in the master course? Or were they trying to locate this stuff in one of the associated courses? 
  • Do the teachers have the permissions enabled for Manage Courses - conclude / delete / publish / reset? For this permission,  Course roles can only manage content in Blueprint Courses if they are added to the Blueprint Course as a teacher, TA, or designer role.


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